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'Inside Out' Science, Technology and outdoor learning

On June 18, 2019 09:30 until June 18, 2019 15:30
Led by Tina Housley
Categories: Science
Hits: 4980

Many aspects of the Computing National Curriculum can be delivered effectively within the Science Curriculum raising engagement and attainment within the subject. Databases, spreadsheets and data logging can be purposefully utilised to support the collection and interpretation of real data collected through scientifi c investigations. Children can capture and combine a range of digital media to create a learning journey
demonstrating their understanding in Science for themselves or to share with others.

The course content will be very hands on and include:
Understanding the most effective ways to capture and quickly edit digital still and video images using an iPad.
Using an iPad and a small selection of key apps to collect, sort and present data from a pond dipping activity.
Creating a multimedia learning journey to document a scientifi c investigation and share with others.
Capturing, interpreting and presenting real life data using data loggers.
Classifying a selection of collected fl ora and fauna using a branching database.
Creating an annotated digital media story of a scientific process and share with others using a QR code.